Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Couple Things That Make Me Happy

Check out the fox news interactive map covering the elections...having to do with my last post you can see what states voted for Obama in 08 and how they voted now. Veryyy interesting.

Also making me smile right now is a belated Happy Halloween Picture!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What's Wrong With This Picture

Most influential male of 2010 is....

John Stewart
Wow! SO Obama must be 2nd most right?
Wrong 2nd is Bill Gates (Harlem Children's Zone/ Waiting for Superman helped)
So... Obama must be 3rd?
Nope Mark Zuckerberg
So...Obama must be 4th?
Nope Steve Jobs (Apple)
I won't make you keep playing this game all the way up to drumroll please..... 21. This is behind people like Kanye West, Richard Branson and George Clooney.

Maybe that's why Obama approval ratings are in the high thirties/low forties on a good day.

What is wrong with this picture?
2 years won't come soon enough.

I will always leave you with a laugh,
What is wrong with this picture has a different answer.... (think bed intruder youtube video) Meet Antoine DOGson

Monday, September 27, 2010

Down syndrome football player scores TD in Washington game

A Heart Warmer. Watch the video here

Sunday, September 19, 2010

R.I.P Esther

R.I.P Esther Tucker January 2009- September 15, 2010. (She is not dead in this picture, she was just playing upside down)

Esther is my fish that I have had since January of freshman year. It all started out when I got 2 goldfish Bonnie and Clyde in October freshman year and they both died within 24 hours :(

I decided to grieve the rest of the semester and then got Esther because third time is the charm as they say....
She was the perfect fish, she swam, she did tricks, you could call her to the top of the tank by saying her name. She would do jumps up and down in her tank. She would hide in her castle and make my mom think she was stuck- she was of course just playing. She had a great sense of humor (she got it from me) She used to pick up the pebbles at the bottom of the tank in the wee hours of the morning and drop them making noise and sometimes waking me and my roommate from last year up. She was just a joy to have and a joy to be around. I miss her and the bubbler sound immensely.

Harry and Nellie my dogs miss her too.

Esther lived a full life. She lived in 3 of my college housing in Newton, Chestnut Hill and Brighton. She went to my regular house, she went to the Cape and she went to her Great Aunt's house for a weekend. She was such a trooper. She also spent time in other people's room freshman year when I went away for a weekend.She skyped on multiple occassions in this picture with my friend T in Australia.

She met hundreds of people in her short life and made friends with everyone she met. She was truly a special, special fish and I will miss her so much. RIP Esther

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I Never Want Esther to Grow Up...

This has to be fake...but alas it is not.

Read about it here

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hide Your Husband

If you haven't already seen this video you should watch it. There are remixes to it but the original is the best