Sunday, May 23, 2010


Slacker. Did you know that slacker means a person who evades military service according to So I guess I will not use that word anymore because by no means am I going to do that.

Anyway this week I have been babysitting, babysitting and yet more babysitting. This week is quieter, I have Wednesday off and the weekend to look forward to. I am also going back to my internship this Tuesday and I am SO excited, I missed the kids so much!

Other family news. Harry my beloved yellow lab is having surgery tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your prayers. His ear is all swelled up and my mom keep telling me it's just like getting stitches but then I don't know why you would need to get anesthesia ...explain that one mom. I am very concerned. He is my favorite dog.
This is Nellie (left) Harry on the right and Esther in the middle! Esther is my goldfish that I have had since January 09. She is my little baby.

So cute!

Solo Shot

I saw this video of a couple that got pregnant, had a baby and kept it all a secret from the grandmother. They "surprised" her with the baby. If I was the grandmother I would be PISSED.

I will post more this week...have lots of funny news stories and things I have read. This made me almost fall off the bed...a girl valdictorian proposing to her boyfriend at graduation.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Closing Time..

Well. The finals are done, I am pretty sure I passed and that is the good news! The bad news is now I will not be seeing one of my dear friends for 15 months and other friends are going abroad. I am very sad and distraught.

In other news here are some interesting things I have been thinking about/read about.

1) Why is there suddenly a skyrocketing number of boys on campus who are on roller blades, scooters, and skateboards? I am sorry but when you ride across the crosswalk and hit a crack and go flying and you aren't wearing a helmet I just have to laugh. And yes I saw you, you can't run it off.

2) Why doesn't the bookstore take back all the books you bought from them? For instance a $120 book that I bought online for cheaper, it is the newest version and the class will be using it next semester...why won't you take it back? Also why will you only take back some of my history books and not all of them? Also why will you even pay me $1.25 for my paperback book? Why not just give me a pack of gum. They cost about the same and gum doesn't last forever.

3)The Celtics. Number 9 is my lucky number and boy are we lucky to have Rondo! Magic here we come.

4) The Bruins...I am not a hockey fan but I am a Boston sports fan and those boys are doing work!

5) The Red Sox. Big Papi was on campus last week..he should have been in the batting cage. 3 homeruns is not cutting it.

6)Why are these 8 & 9 year olds dancing to Single Ladies like this?

7)Boy with no name finally names himself...when he is 19! His name of choice, Maximus Julius Paulson

8)Law & Order' is canceled by NBC..luckily it will be on TNT, USA, MY TV and Sleuth network!

9) And since 9 is my lucky number I will end it on a funny note. Many people have seen the video Things I hate...he is so funny! But here is one of the ones I like entitled Shut Up and Teach!

I am going home Sunday...I can't wait to see my friends, my dog Harry and sleep in my own bed!!
I will blog during the summer of course...Thanks for the GTS (Good times) this year. I will miss each and every one of you!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I guess I am now only blogging on Holidays now...Next time you hear from me will be Memorial Day (just kidding)!

Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms who read my blog...I am guessing it is just my mom so Happy Mothers Day Mom!! I don't reveal identities on my blog so I won't post a picture of her...but if I look like her in 40 I mean 30 years I will consider myself lucky!
Happy Mothers Day to my grandmothers even though I really doubt they read this blog!

Happy Mothers Day to all the don't have to physically have a child to be a mother and I know there are mothers celebrating their very first Mothers Day through adoption this year! There are also mothers who are celebrating Mothers Day for the first time without their child and just remember they are a mother also so it is okay to say Happy Mothers Day to them.

Anyway I do have some inspirational mothers to post videos of...

The first is a mother I saw on Oprah. She is Mormon, has four children and was in a plane crash that left her in a comma for three months. She is alive now but she does not look anything like she did before the plane crash. Bring out the tissues!
Here is also her clip on Oprah.

Another mother Sally Goodrich decided when her son was killed on 9/11 she would have to find a new mission in life if she wanted to continue to live. She decided to build schools in Afghanistan (video). You can read about her here.

Rachel Moyer lost her fifteen year old son after he collapsed at a basketball game of cardiac arrest. She started a nonprofit group, Parent Heart Watch, that's paid for more than 1,000 defribillators and lobbies states to require them in schools. Twelve states now do including Massachusetts. In fact referee Bob Schriever at a Wellesley football game was saved by a defibrillator when he fell to the ground in cardiac arrest.

I need to get back to studying but just remember to say Happy Mothers Day to your Mother today and even to all the other mothers you know in your life!

To leave you with a mothers day quote:
Mothers are fonder than fathers of their children because they are more certain they are their own. – Aristotle

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Cinco De Mayo

I am SLACKING, I know..I apologize deeply but thanks for everyone who has checked the blog. I can't believe how many people have read this blog, I haven't even advertised it yet!

Anyway today is Cinco De Mayo (May 5th). A little history...It commemorates Mexico's victory over the French Army at the
Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. It is celebrated all over the US as well as Mexico.

So anyway what has been going on since Thursday

* It has been HOT HOT HOT as in temperature. And to make matters worse we have had a water main break so we couldn't drink the water from Saturday- Today. I wasn't mad about the water I was just mad I couldn't get Diet Coke from the fountain Coke at school because it was connected to the water pipe. Can you say major headaches...

*Vanity Fair has RONALDO from my team Real Madrid (and Drogba) on the cover of its June issue. I can't post the picture on my blog because it is rated XXX. But click here for it.

*Celtics, Red Sox AND Bruins won yesterday...It was a great day to be a Boston fan!

*An amazing feat for a women who has no arms.

*Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Seinfeld!) got her star on the walkway and they didn't spell her name right!! Talk about being salted.

*Massachusetts passed its first anti-bullying law after two separate incidents (an 11 year old boy and a teenage girl) committed suicide after being bullied.
"The law mandates school employees to report all instances of bullying and requires principals to investigate the reports. The law also requires every student from kindergarten through 12th grade to participate in an annual anti-bullying curriculum"

Finally one of my favorite youtube game show answer clips (especially the one of the retired woman)