Sunday, May 23, 2010


Slacker. Did you know that slacker means a person who evades military service according to So I guess I will not use that word anymore because by no means am I going to do that.

Anyway this week I have been babysitting, babysitting and yet more babysitting. This week is quieter, I have Wednesday off and the weekend to look forward to. I am also going back to my internship this Tuesday and I am SO excited, I missed the kids so much!

Other family news. Harry my beloved yellow lab is having surgery tomorrow morning. Please keep him in your prayers. His ear is all swelled up and my mom keep telling me it's just like getting stitches but then I don't know why you would need to get anesthesia ...explain that one mom. I am very concerned. He is my favorite dog.
This is Nellie (left) Harry on the right and Esther in the middle! Esther is my goldfish that I have had since January 09. She is my little baby.

So cute!

Solo Shot

I saw this video of a couple that got pregnant, had a baby and kept it all a secret from the grandmother. They "surprised" her with the baby. If I was the grandmother I would be PISSED.

I will post more this week...have lots of funny news stories and things I have read. This made me almost fall off the bed...a girl valdictorian proposing to her boyfriend at graduation.

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