Friday, May 14, 2010

Closing Time..

Well. The finals are done, I am pretty sure I passed and that is the good news! The bad news is now I will not be seeing one of my dear friends for 15 months and other friends are going abroad. I am very sad and distraught.

In other news here are some interesting things I have been thinking about/read about.

1) Why is there suddenly a skyrocketing number of boys on campus who are on roller blades, scooters, and skateboards? I am sorry but when you ride across the crosswalk and hit a crack and go flying and you aren't wearing a helmet I just have to laugh. And yes I saw you, you can't run it off.

2) Why doesn't the bookstore take back all the books you bought from them? For instance a $120 book that I bought online for cheaper, it is the newest version and the class will be using it next semester...why won't you take it back? Also why will you only take back some of my history books and not all of them? Also why will you even pay me $1.25 for my paperback book? Why not just give me a pack of gum. They cost about the same and gum doesn't last forever.

3)The Celtics. Number 9 is my lucky number and boy are we lucky to have Rondo! Magic here we come.

4) The Bruins...I am not a hockey fan but I am a Boston sports fan and those boys are doing work!

5) The Red Sox. Big Papi was on campus last week..he should have been in the batting cage. 3 homeruns is not cutting it.

6)Why are these 8 & 9 year olds dancing to Single Ladies like this?

7)Boy with no name finally names himself...when he is 19! His name of choice, Maximus Julius Paulson

8)Law & Order' is canceled by NBC..luckily it will be on TNT, USA, MY TV and Sleuth network!

9) And since 9 is my lucky number I will end it on a funny note. Many people have seen the video Things I hate...he is so funny! But here is one of the ones I like entitled Shut Up and Teach!

I am going home Sunday...I can't wait to see my friends, my dog Harry and sleep in my own bed!!
I will blog during the summer of course...Thanks for the GTS (Good times) this year. I will miss each and every one of you!

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