Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy Cinco De Mayo

I am SLACKING, I know..I apologize deeply but thanks for everyone who has checked the blog. I can't believe how many people have read this blog, I haven't even advertised it yet!

Anyway today is Cinco De Mayo (May 5th). A little history...It commemorates Mexico's victory over the French Army at the
Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. It is celebrated all over the US as well as Mexico.

So anyway what has been going on since Thursday

* It has been HOT HOT HOT as in temperature. And to make matters worse we have had a water main break so we couldn't drink the water from Saturday- Today. I wasn't mad about the water I was just mad I couldn't get Diet Coke from the fountain Coke at school because it was connected to the water pipe. Can you say major headaches...

*Vanity Fair has RONALDO from my team Real Madrid (and Drogba) on the cover of its June issue. I can't post the picture on my blog because it is rated XXX. But click here for it.

*Celtics, Red Sox AND Bruins won yesterday...It was a great day to be a Boston fan!

*An amazing feat for a women who has no arms.

*Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Seinfeld!) got her star on the walkway and they didn't spell her name right!! Talk about being salted.

*Massachusetts passed its first anti-bullying law after two separate incidents (an 11 year old boy and a teenage girl) committed suicide after being bullied.
"The law mandates school employees to report all instances of bullying and requires principals to investigate the reports. The law also requires every student from kindergarten through 12th grade to participate in an annual anti-bullying curriculum"

Finally one of my favorite youtube game show answer clips (especially the one of the retired woman)

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