Friday, June 4, 2010

Didn't Forget

I am seriously struggling on the blog posts....sorry!!
I will have a wonderful post up by Sunday...I promise!

What have I been up to you might ask?
I have had jury duty, Cape, babysitting, volunteering at the hospital, watching the Celtics, reading..., watching wheel of fortune and jeopardy, shopping, seeing my friends and this weekend is family weekend my cousin is graduating from high school! I will not say where he is going, but you can guess if you like!

I have been reading interesting things and stories..and I am so excited that my favorite Celine Dion is pregnant with twins!! Otherwise I have just been chilling but I feel very busy! No word yet on the grad school situation and that is A-OK with me. No news is good news right?

To be continued...

And Harry is ok! He moaned the first day because he was in so much pain :( but now he is good! Nellie my other dog literally growls at him every single time he comes into the room because she doesn't realize it is him. Whoever said dogs were smart has obviously never met Nellie!

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