Thursday, April 29, 2010

World Records

Today I finished all of my papers presentations and tests...and BOY does it feel good. I had lots of doubters but my motto "don't do today what you can do tomorrow" aka procrastination got me through this tough 6 papers, 1 test, 1 presentation week.

Today when I logged onto my yahoo e-mail I saw this the world's BIGGEST bunny. I for one do not really like big animals besides my sweet baby Harry. I prefer Esthers(My fish) where I can look but not touch. This got me thinking though...I wonder how big the biggest goldfish was and I googled it...I do not do well with things that are gross and this is NOT cute like Esther fish...this is a reason why I don't like swimming in the ocean/lakes. Imagine your foot by accident touching this baby....


Then I Googled world records and came up with some more gross stuff...

Most piercings in 1 SITTING: 1015 IN 7 HOURS 55 MINUTES...I don't even want to know where he got pierced

Strangest Diet: Michel Lotito (aka Monsieur Mangetout) from Grenoble, France, has been eating metal and glass since 1959

Largest Cake:7,000-lb

I think I can beat the cake one...The other two not so much.

Some videos to leave you on....
One of my favorite old school videos

Laughing is contagious...
When you just can't stop laughing...

This reminds me of me before I learned how to control my laughter

Laugh again

Lately I have been watching skits of Whose Line Is It Anyway..So Funny. Here is a blooper

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