Thursday, April 29, 2010

World Records

Today I finished all of my papers presentations and tests...and BOY does it feel good. I had lots of doubters but my motto "don't do today what you can do tomorrow" aka procrastination got me through this tough 6 papers, 1 test, 1 presentation week.

Today when I logged onto my yahoo e-mail I saw this the world's BIGGEST bunny. I for one do not really like big animals besides my sweet baby Harry. I prefer Esthers(My fish) where I can look but not touch. This got me thinking though...I wonder how big the biggest goldfish was and I googled it...I do not do well with things that are gross and this is NOT cute like Esther fish...this is a reason why I don't like swimming in the ocean/lakes. Imagine your foot by accident touching this baby....


Then I Googled world records and came up with some more gross stuff...

Most piercings in 1 SITTING: 1015 IN 7 HOURS 55 MINUTES...I don't even want to know where he got pierced

Strangest Diet: Michel Lotito (aka Monsieur Mangetout) from Grenoble, France, has been eating metal and glass since 1959

Largest Cake:7,000-lb

I think I can beat the cake one...The other two not so much.

Some videos to leave you on....
One of my favorite old school videos

Laughing is contagious...
When you just can't stop laughing...

This reminds me of me before I learned how to control my laughter

Laugh again

Lately I have been watching skits of Whose Line Is It Anyway..So Funny. Here is a blooper

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have literally been on a two week craving on and off for cake...I don't even know why.
Today they only had STRAWBERRY CAKE which I am ALLERGIC too so I am POed (pissed off).

Instead I will show you pictures of cake I want to make soon....
For Christmas peppermint cake..

4th of July Cake (I made something like this with blueberries and raspberries and whipped cream)

And cake for my mom on Mothers Day (which is in 2 weeks)
What do you think?!

In other news Sandra Bullock who I LOVE announced today among other things that she adopted a black baby boy named Louis domestically.
A new immigration law passed in Arizona recently that allows police to question anyone about their immigration status if they have reason to suspect they are in the country illegally, and makes it a state crime if they are.
Bobby Brown is NOT dead...thank the lord. Team Whitney

Funny video Bizkit the dog

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I am Still Here

I know, I know, everybody is waiting for a new blog post. I am sorry to keep you waiting. The good news is I have 2 papers and 1 test down...4 more papers and 1 presentation to go!!

Anyway today I am not going to talk about anything important. Other then to update you that my friend who changed her name to Ka'eo had a change of heart after reading my blog post...she did not want to be classified as having a weird name. So back to bestie K it is!

In other news...
- today a South Korean woman became the first woman ever to reach the 14 highest peaks on all fours (think dog)...she apparently even was in competition with a Spanish lady. I sure wish I could tell people I did that!
-Baby son outgrowing smallest mother
-Sister Rosemary Connelly has inspired many with her Misericordia, or "heart of mercy," a home for adults and children with disabilities.
- Finally I was a big supporter in the Sean Goldman custody case and am SO glad they are working on saving other is another story quite similar but no happy ending yet

You might know I like to watch Jeopardy so here is a funny clip....
-Ken Jennings (Mormon)

Also Bango the Mascot doesn't tear his ACL like he did last season when doing a stunt...its pretty cool but stupid.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's All In A Name

Today one of my friends changed her name from Katherine to Ka'eo. People were shocked but it was her own choice. I honestly never minded my middle school I got lots of Victoria Secret jokes and even some immature high school boys even joined in. I am so over that joke, please don't even try to attempt it on me. Anyway my name means Victory, which should be obvious seeing I win everything like last year when I ran the Marathon or in terms of my grades. I think a name is a very special thing...I don't know why people change their names unless they are getting a sex change. Here are two celebrity families who named some strange ones...

*M.I.A. named her son Ickhyd
*Paula Yates & Bob Geldof:Baby daughters Fifi-Trixibelle, Peaches, Little Trixie, and Honeyblossom (these sound like dog names)

This is the best one. A judge in NZ made a young girl a ward of court so that she could change the name she hated - Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. That is seriously a WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!

I am about to go to go out but I will leave you with a video as always...Sorry I have been a bad blogger I have 6 papers 1 test and 1 presentation due NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!

It speaks for itselfno introduction needed

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sometimes I think people who have glasses can see things more clearly then people who have 20/20 vision. They seem to be much more observant in what they see. I also think people who wear glasses have different definition of what a person who is beautiful looks like. It was just an observation from the past week!
Here is an example. I don't know what he sees in her...

Anyway I was just thinking about glasses today. Please don't be offended, chances are I will be wearing glasses in 30 years.

As I blog the Celts are SCHOOLING the Heat 48-33. That will teach the NBA to suspend Garnett. Sorry Wade as much as I admire you....your team is bad. Hopefully the fat lady already sang and I am not jinxing this. For your viewing pleasure the top 10 buzzer beaters of the last season!

Today something to make your stomach queasy if you don't like heights. Climber Dean Potter demonstrating his skills.

Also another soccer video...Loco Abreu pulled off a Zidane (one of the best soccer players in history) chip penalty to win title

Monday, April 19, 2010

Marathon Monday 2010

What a day....

We started off by seeing Ryan Hall. What an amazing human running machine. Look at his leg muscle!

His wife Sara ran the BAA mile invitational a couple days before, she has one of the fastest miles in the country! The Halls have a foundation called the Hall Steps Foundation which a lot of people run the marathon for not just in Boston!

We were on the lookout for the celebrities running the race today...I saw Celtics star Ray Allen's mom who was looking great at mile 21! I also saw Valerie Bertinelli who is now the spokeswoman for Jenny Craig...I scared her though, because I knew she was running and she was wearing her hair down, a visor and sunglasses and I STILL recognized her. Soo when I said "go Valerie" she did a 180 and looked at me like how do you know me? That is not as bad considering when I saw these people I REALLY freaked them out...

This is Danny Wright and Rebecca Meyer from the Biggest Loser. I LOVE that show and when I saw them I started jumping like a bunny and yelled "OH MY GOSH YOU WERE ON THE BIGGEST LOSER I LOVE YOU GUYS". I don't understand why they wouldn't come over and hug me, why they just raised their hand to say hi and gave me a weird look. I wouldn't take that for an answer so me and my bestie K ran after them and started to take pictures "with them".

All the Biggest Losers who ran were Ali Vincent (Season 5 winner, the first female winner of the show), Mark and Jay Kruger (Sn.5), Rebecca Meyer (Sn. 8), Danny Cahill (Sn. 8) and Rudy Pauls (Sn. 8). I am SO bummed I didn't get to see them all!

I saw this video on TV last year before I ran it...and it traumatized me so badly about what would happen to me at the marathon. Thankfully it didn't but I did see runners who were like this earlier on in the race.

No funny video today...but in case you need a briefing of what happened at the Marathon today!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Marathon Story

I can't believe it has been a year since the last marathon!For a background on my Marathon journey check it out here. Although I am a student at BC and think BC is the best, I have to say the Wellesley College girls were so much louder cheerers then BC, but on the bright side the Wellesley College section was honestly one of the worst stretches I remember from my run. I had just felt my knee (I thought at first it was a shin splint because it was shooting pain to my knee) about a mile before and was hobbling along and everyone was cheering "Go team G Stone" (because G Stone was on my shirt) and saying you can do it...I honestly wanted to punch/yell at them and be like you feel what I am feeling now and then I will tell you that you can do it when you have 12 more miles to go (and the hills). Luckily I had good mind control and could block it out with the help of my ipod. Besides that, I stupidly brought a little gym mesh backpack with my phone, camera(why?) and inhaler in it...and at mile 8 it broke and my blackberry went flying onto the street. It was a miracle my phone worked after that but I texted my mom right before Wellesley College and told her to bring me new sneakers (in my mind I thought if I changed my sneakers I would feel better...that was 2.99 thinking) to where she was standing. My phone also decided along the race around 2 hours into it to start dialing people's numbers and leaving a voice mail from my bag. I got many voice mails back around 12:00 asking me if I called them to tell them I finished...I wished!

I actually don't remember much of the race there are certain spots such as running around the lake in Natick with the wind blowing me over and seeing people keeled over on the side of the road in pain were two of the distinct images I had.I I was very lucky to have finished, I couldn't count the amount of people I saw sitting on the sidewalk or in the med tents in pain. But if I didn't finish, I would have been running again this year, I am the type of person that can't not finish something. After a certain point (mile 17) I was in so much pain and had my eyes closed for a lot of it (not kidding). I don't even remember the hills and that is supposed to be the worst part! Even though this was a very painful experience it was SO worth it and you might just see me in the near future running again...I recently got a very nice offer from a bestie to run it with me next year...we will see! I highly recommend running the Marathon...but I warn you, have a cause to run for because unless you are a really dedicated runner you are going to need something to think about in your head! If I can do it ANYONE can do it and I really mean that. I ran at a maximum maybe 2-3 miles during high school. I relied on this saying while I ran and now I will pass it onto you runners "yard by yard life is hard. inch by inch its a cinch!" This is the picture of me after I had FINALLY crossed the finish line...I think my time was like 5:06 but it doesn't even matter!

Anywayyyyyy I hope you enjoy the Marathon tomorrow..C's took Game #1 yesterday and KG was such a baller.

And not do this next time you try to dunk

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rainy Saturday

First, a cool soccer shot for my soccer fans.Inter Milan is unfortunately not as good as Real Madrid but this was a very cool ball control shot

When I went to Monster Jam Jay-Z was the surprise guest and he performed with Kanye...One of the best surprises. I just can't imagine if I went to see Jay-Z and this happened

I don't really have anything to say today...I am very tired.I went to church today and that was my big outing...It was so nice to have my friend J come with me (I won't use real names on the blog). Look tomorrow for my Marathon post! I am a BIG supporter of the Marathon...I ran last year and I encourage you all to stay until the end because it is those people that need the most support! When I hurt my knee during the race and was in the back of the pack it was those people who have the most to run for...none of them were running for themselves. As one woman named Denise who stayed with me a little before I sprinted off on her (kidding) told me she would never do something this stupid if it was just for her, she was running for her dad who was in the midst of dying. It was the little things like this that made me cry...and yes my knee was ballooning up by the minute but luckily after mile 16 I couldn't even feel it!!

Ok, I just saw this ADORABLE picture of a monkey...looks like someone I know!

Funny of my personal favorites!

Friday, April 16, 2010

New & A Little Bit Confused Blog Reader...

First. A tear jerker.
Next time think twice before you complain about your leg least you have a leg that could hurt. Bring out the tissues! This little guy is going to steal your heart!
Side Note: If this was Kobe this would not be posted...I despise the Lakers but don't mind Gasol because he is from Spain and that is where Real Madrid (my team) is located. Another side note..Cristiano Ronaldo and Kim Kardashian yuck!

Now as you are wiping your tears in other news Jay-Z is not making life easier for Big Papi. He is suing him over a nightclub name...I am predicting Papi is going to get so mad he will start being a hitting machine because to say he is struggling right now would be an understatement. But as a Red Sox fan I know the B in Boston stands for Believe and so that is what I will continue to do

Now for a laugh...I just signed onto skype and got a message from an unknown user. They must have read my blog yesterday and felt they could relate to me when I talked about Russia. In fact they thought I wanted to adopt a sweet Russian must be the language barrier.

"European and American women are too arrogant for you? Are you looking for a sweet lady that will be caring and understanding? Then you came to the right place- here you can find a Russian lady that will love you with all her heart. Can't find a queen to rule your heart? How about beautiful Russian ladies that have royal blood and royal look? Here you can find hundreds of portfolios of these fine women of any age for every taste. Please excuse us if you are not interested.

Beautiful Russian ladies -"

If interested in one of these sweet Russian ladies I can send you the skype name. Looking at the could you not want one of your very own that would resemble one of these royal women...

or my favorite...

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Wow...I am amazed at all my fans. I don't even think I know 89 people!

before I start my news on Oprah, in this case no news is not good news :(

ok today's blog is going to be called, what would you do?

I watched this video about this guy who saved a bank from being robbed by literally hugging the robber until the police came. Is he brave or what? I often wonder what I would do in a situation like that?

Those of you who knew me last year probably heard my WWYD (what would you do) story about when I was babysitting my infant cousin. A drunk woman entered the house while I was sleeping on the couch and passed out in the dining room. I woke to a loud snoring noise, a SUV in the driveway with its lights on and a woman lying with her head on the table. My first thought was to call my aunt and ask her if this was a party guest who was sleeping over and was confused about where to sleep. When I called she told me that was not a funny joke. My voice started to quiver and that's when she and I both realized this was not a funny joke at all. I called 911, grabbed a knife off the counter and went up to my cousins room with the dog and waited for the police. I won't go into the rest of the story in public but if you haven't heard the rest ask me in person its a good one! The moral of the story is lock your doors and don't fall asleep while baby-sitting.

Another WWYD story that I am VERY VERY VERY VERY upset about. Those of you who know me, know I want to be a social worker and do something with adoption. This past summer I helped the international adoption agency I interned at get ready for their Russian adoption program. Wellll I don't know who keeps up with the news but this Tennessee Woman sent her 7 YEAR OLD adopted son back to Russia, unaccompanied, on a plane, with a note pinned in his jacket saying she no longer wanted him. She claims the orphanage lied and this boy had too many psychological problems for her to handle. There are currently over 2,000 US families waiting for a child from Russia and because of this woman, nobody will be getting a child in the near future because Russia has officially closed its adoption doors on the US. What. A. Bummer. If you want to help you can sign the We Are The Truth petition to send to the Presidents of Russia and US. Adopting older children regardless of the country is going to come with more baggage then a younger child. Such a shame for all of the families out there who have been going through the adoption process for so long, hopefully the delegate Obama sends to Russia will be capable and get the doors reopened.

I will never leave you on a sad note I promise... Video of the night
one strong old lady

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

So Why Am I Doing This?

I honestly have no idea...It started out as a joke and now it is real.
I don't even know if I will be able to keep up with it but my motto is I will try anything once and this is a blogging first for me.
I hope this blog also helps me get better grammar and spelling abilities by writing everyday and who knows maybe I will enjoy it.

So stick with me...already have had 36 views in 2 hours but just remember patience is a virtue and if you are waiting for me to update this thing then you need to volunteer or do something with your time!

Anyway my first blog post is going to be on something that I am very passionate about....OPRAH!
My mouth dropped open when I saw that OPRAH was going to announcing the winner of the Pillsbury Bake-Off® winner...if I had known that I would have entered (and the winner gets 1 million dollars but I would forgo that just to be on her show) It actually might have been a blessing in disguise because when I was reading about the show I saw that she had open tickets for April 20, 21 and 22nd so I entered my name in and if I get it I will be dropping everything and on a plane to Chicago. I am hoping that the Ticket Gods are on my side!

Question of the day today is what do you think about Oprah?
I dunno if I like the concept of question of the day but it was requested to be added to my blog.
Let me leave you on a laughing note as I usually do....a funny You Tube video of a bad soccer goalie.

First Post!!

This is a place where I will be blogging or attempting to blog
everyday so that my friends can see what I am doing and I can share my humor
and wisdom with the world! I will also post funny a
nd striking things I read. As well as fun recipes!!!!!
Please follow along and comment on my posts.
I will post my first official post tonight!

And a funny picture to leave you with. Today I skyped with my dog. I took this picture after I asked him if he wanted to have a treat and go on a walk...sorry mom!!