Monday, April 19, 2010

Marathon Monday 2010

What a day....

We started off by seeing Ryan Hall. What an amazing human running machine. Look at his leg muscle!

His wife Sara ran the BAA mile invitational a couple days before, she has one of the fastest miles in the country! The Halls have a foundation called the Hall Steps Foundation which a lot of people run the marathon for not just in Boston!

We were on the lookout for the celebrities running the race today...I saw Celtics star Ray Allen's mom who was looking great at mile 21! I also saw Valerie Bertinelli who is now the spokeswoman for Jenny Craig...I scared her though, because I knew she was running and she was wearing her hair down, a visor and sunglasses and I STILL recognized her. Soo when I said "go Valerie" she did a 180 and looked at me like how do you know me? That is not as bad considering when I saw these people I REALLY freaked them out...

This is Danny Wright and Rebecca Meyer from the Biggest Loser. I LOVE that show and when I saw them I started jumping like a bunny and yelled "OH MY GOSH YOU WERE ON THE BIGGEST LOSER I LOVE YOU GUYS". I don't understand why they wouldn't come over and hug me, why they just raised their hand to say hi and gave me a weird look. I wouldn't take that for an answer so me and my bestie K ran after them and started to take pictures "with them".

All the Biggest Losers who ran were Ali Vincent (Season 5 winner, the first female winner of the show), Mark and Jay Kruger (Sn.5), Rebecca Meyer (Sn. 8), Danny Cahill (Sn. 8) and Rudy Pauls (Sn. 8). I am SO bummed I didn't get to see them all!

I saw this video on TV last year before I ran it...and it traumatized me so badly about what would happen to me at the marathon. Thankfully it didn't but I did see runners who were like this earlier on in the race.

No funny video today...but in case you need a briefing of what happened at the Marathon today!!

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