Thursday, April 15, 2010


Wow...I am amazed at all my fans. I don't even think I know 89 people!

before I start my news on Oprah, in this case no news is not good news :(

ok today's blog is going to be called, what would you do?

I watched this video about this guy who saved a bank from being robbed by literally hugging the robber until the police came. Is he brave or what? I often wonder what I would do in a situation like that?

Those of you who knew me last year probably heard my WWYD (what would you do) story about when I was babysitting my infant cousin. A drunk woman entered the house while I was sleeping on the couch and passed out in the dining room. I woke to a loud snoring noise, a SUV in the driveway with its lights on and a woman lying with her head on the table. My first thought was to call my aunt and ask her if this was a party guest who was sleeping over and was confused about where to sleep. When I called she told me that was not a funny joke. My voice started to quiver and that's when she and I both realized this was not a funny joke at all. I called 911, grabbed a knife off the counter and went up to my cousins room with the dog and waited for the police. I won't go into the rest of the story in public but if you haven't heard the rest ask me in person its a good one! The moral of the story is lock your doors and don't fall asleep while baby-sitting.

Another WWYD story that I am VERY VERY VERY VERY upset about. Those of you who know me, know I want to be a social worker and do something with adoption. This past summer I helped the international adoption agency I interned at get ready for their Russian adoption program. Wellll I don't know who keeps up with the news but this Tennessee Woman sent her 7 YEAR OLD adopted son back to Russia, unaccompanied, on a plane, with a note pinned in his jacket saying she no longer wanted him. She claims the orphanage lied and this boy had too many psychological problems for her to handle. There are currently over 2,000 US families waiting for a child from Russia and because of this woman, nobody will be getting a child in the near future because Russia has officially closed its adoption doors on the US. What. A. Bummer. If you want to help you can sign the We Are The Truth petition to send to the Presidents of Russia and US. Adopting older children regardless of the country is going to come with more baggage then a younger child. Such a shame for all of the families out there who have been going through the adoption process for so long, hopefully the delegate Obama sends to Russia will be capable and get the doors reopened.

I will never leave you on a sad note I promise... Video of the night
one strong old lady

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