Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sometimes I think people who have glasses can see things more clearly then people who have 20/20 vision. They seem to be much more observant in what they see. I also think people who wear glasses have different definition of what a person who is beautiful looks like. It was just an observation from the past week!
Here is an example. I don't know what he sees in her...

Anyway I was just thinking about glasses today. Please don't be offended, chances are I will be wearing glasses in 30 years.

As I blog the Celts are SCHOOLING the Heat 48-33. That will teach the NBA to suspend Garnett. Sorry Wade as much as I admire you....your team is bad. Hopefully the fat lady already sang and I am not jinxing this. For your viewing pleasure the top 10 buzzer beaters of the last season!

Today something to make your stomach queasy if you don't like heights. Climber Dean Potter demonstrating his skills.

Also another soccer video...Loco Abreu pulled off a Zidane (one of the best soccer players in history) chip penalty to win title

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