Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I am Still Here

I know, I know, everybody is waiting for a new blog post. I am sorry to keep you waiting. The good news is I have 2 papers and 1 test down...4 more papers and 1 presentation to go!!

Anyway today I am not going to talk about anything important. Other then to update you that my friend who changed her name to Ka'eo had a change of heart after reading my blog post...she did not want to be classified as having a weird name. So back to bestie K it is!

In other news...
- today a South Korean woman became the first woman ever to reach the 14 highest peaks on all fours (think dog)...she apparently even was in competition with a Spanish lady. I sure wish I could tell people I did that!
-Baby son outgrowing smallest mother
-Sister Rosemary Connelly has inspired many with her Misericordia, or "heart of mercy," a home for adults and children with disabilities.
- Finally I was a big supporter in the Sean Goldman custody case and am SO glad they are working on saving other children...here is another story quite similar but no happy ending yet

You might know I like to watch Jeopardy so here is a funny clip....
-Ken Jennings (Mormon)

Also Bango the Mascot doesn't tear his ACL like he did last season when doing a stunt...its pretty cool but stupid.

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