Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Marathon Story

I can't believe it has been a year since the last marathon!For a background on my Marathon journey check it out here. Although I am a student at BC and think BC is the best, I have to say the Wellesley College girls were so much louder cheerers then BC, but on the bright side the Wellesley College section was honestly one of the worst stretches I remember from my run. I had just felt my knee (I thought at first it was a shin splint because it was shooting pain to my knee) about a mile before and was hobbling along and everyone was cheering "Go team G Stone" (because G Stone was on my shirt) and saying you can do it...I honestly wanted to punch/yell at them and be like you feel what I am feeling now and then I will tell you that you can do it when you have 12 more miles to go (and the hills). Luckily I had good mind control and could block it out with the help of my ipod. Besides that, I stupidly brought a little gym mesh backpack with my phone, camera(why?) and inhaler in it...and at mile 8 it broke and my blackberry went flying onto the street. It was a miracle my phone worked after that but I texted my mom right before Wellesley College and told her to bring me new sneakers (in my mind I thought if I changed my sneakers I would feel better...that was 2.99 thinking) to where she was standing. My phone also decided along the race around 2 hours into it to start dialing people's numbers and leaving a voice mail from my bag. I got many voice mails back around 12:00 asking me if I called them to tell them I finished...I wished!

I actually don't remember much of the race there are certain spots such as running around the lake in Natick with the wind blowing me over and seeing people keeled over on the side of the road in pain were two of the distinct images I had.I I was very lucky to have finished, I couldn't count the amount of people I saw sitting on the sidewalk or in the med tents in pain. But if I didn't finish, I would have been running again this year, I am the type of person that can't not finish something. After a certain point (mile 17) I was in so much pain and had my eyes closed for a lot of it (not kidding). I don't even remember the hills and that is supposed to be the worst part! Even though this was a very painful experience it was SO worth it and you might just see me in the near future running again...I recently got a very nice offer from a bestie to run it with me next year...we will see! I highly recommend running the Marathon...but I warn you, have a cause to run for because unless you are a really dedicated runner you are going to need something to think about in your head! If I can do it ANYONE can do it and I really mean that. I ran at a maximum maybe 2-3 miles during high school. I relied on this saying while I ran and now I will pass it onto you runners "yard by yard life is hard. inch by inch its a cinch!" This is the picture of me after I had FINALLY crossed the finish line...I think my time was like 5:06 but it doesn't even matter!

Anywayyyyyy I hope you enjoy the Marathon tomorrow..C's took Game #1 yesterday and KG was such a baller.

And not do this next time you try to dunk

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