Saturday, April 24, 2010

It's All In A Name

Today one of my friends changed her name from Katherine to Ka'eo. People were shocked but it was her own choice. I honestly never minded my middle school I got lots of Victoria Secret jokes and even some immature high school boys even joined in. I am so over that joke, please don't even try to attempt it on me. Anyway my name means Victory, which should be obvious seeing I win everything like last year when I ran the Marathon or in terms of my grades. I think a name is a very special thing...I don't know why people change their names unless they are getting a sex change. Here are two celebrity families who named some strange ones...

*M.I.A. named her son Ickhyd
*Paula Yates & Bob Geldof:Baby daughters Fifi-Trixibelle, Peaches, Little Trixie, and Honeyblossom (these sound like dog names)

This is the best one. A judge in NZ made a young girl a ward of court so that she could change the name she hated - Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii. That is seriously a WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!

I am about to go to go out but I will leave you with a video as always...Sorry I have been a bad blogger I have 6 papers 1 test and 1 presentation due NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!

It speaks for itselfno introduction needed

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